1. Please select the option that best describes you.
Bride shopping for wedding
Shopping for gifts
Shopping for personal use other than wedding
2. How well did the product you received match your expectations?
Exceeded my expectations
Matched with my expectations
Fell short of my expectations
3. If you answered "fell short of my expectations" in the previous question, can you let us know specific details how we could make your shopping experience better?
4. Was our online shop easy to navigate?
I did not use the online shop for shopping.
5. If you answered "no" in the previous question, do you have any suggestions how we could improve our website to enhance your shopping experience?
6. How did you hear about us?
Google search
Recommended by other wedding vendors
Recommended by friends or family
7. Were you aware of our bespoke and customization services?
Yes, I used the services
Yes, but I did not require the services
No, but I did not require the services
No, I would like to try the services
8. Would you buy from us again or recommend our products or services to someone you know?
Yes, because of great product quality
Yes, because of great customer service quality
Yes, because of great overall shopping experience
9. Would you be interested in purchasing again if we have a collection for daily usage?
10. If you liked our products and/or services, could you share with us your experience as a good review for our testimonial?
11. Lastly, are there any additional features you would like to see in our products or services?
Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey! We truly appreciate your valuable feedback. As a token of our appreciation, please use the coupon code [SUR15VEY]* for a 15% discount on your next purchase on anything in our store, including our outlet section. Feel free to share the coupon code with a friend too. We look forward to continuing to deliver exceptional products and services to you.
*Coupon expires on 31 July 2024.